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FREE der Freylekher Shabes opening MEGA-Event:
- 6:00pm: Children and Families event with guest dance artist AVIA MOORE
- 6:30pm: der Freylekher Shabes old-country heimishe (homey) Shabbat danced service with Cantor Beth Cohen, Alavados ensemble & Rikud dancers;
- 7:15pm: Potluck vegetarian dinner;
- 7:50pm: The Rebbe's Orkestra klezmer and Judaic band with special guest dance artist Avia Moore leading dances;
- 8:05pm: Special Guest Musicians: Henry Sapoznik & Margot Leverett - Cameo Performance;
- 8:30-9:00pm: Dancing to live music with The Community Klezmer Band, Avia Moore and Rikud dance troupe.