We offer a variety of Shabbat experiences. Click here to read service descriptions and find the ones that call to you.
Queer Shabbat is a monthly ritual space for reflection, connection, grounding in the sacred cycles of Jewish time. This is a space for self-identified Queer Jews and their loved ones to gather. We will be hosting hybrid Queer Shabbat in Bayt B'racha IN-PERSON and also on ZOOM; Please come masked! Whether you are attending virtually or in person, you're invited to bring: songs, poetry, movement, creative activities, and meditations from your heart. Bring (vegetarian) food to eat yourself or to share while we chat after the service (some people may choose to unmask in order to eat together). Ritual items and challah welcome.
For any questions and zoom link, please contact
PDF of Der Freylekher Shabes Prayer Booklet
Celebrate Shabes (Shabbat) JOY in-person in our sanctuary. The participatory klezmer Shabes service from 6:30-7:45 PM can be danced to and includes prayers from Kabbalat Shabbat and the Ma’ariv services. We will also observe the candle lighting/blessing, Mourners’ Kaddish, blessing for healing, Kiddush and Hamotzee. The service will be followed by a Vegetarian Potluck dinner at 7:45pm and recreational Jewish dancing to a live klezmer music jam from 8:15-9 PM. Everyone is welcome to all or any part of the evening’s events.
For more information, contact Cantor Beth Cohen:
Zoom ID 282 164 5784 (no password required)
PDF Chant Sheet
The service will be contemplative as we take time to enter the liturgy through chant, then pause in the silence long enough to allow for an unfolding of possibilities and to develop the skillful practice that allows for Shabbat consciousness to flourish.
Nahalat Shalom - Bayt B'racha
Zoom ID: 282 164 5784
No password needed
Queer Shabbat is a monthly ritual space for reflection, connection, grounding in the sacred cycles of Jewish time. This is a space for self-identified Queer Jews and their loved ones to gather. We will be hosting hybrid Queer Shabbat in Bayt B'racha IN-PERSON and also on ZOOM; Please come masked! Whether you are attending virtually or in person, you're invited to bring: songs, poetry, movement, creative activities, and meditations from your heart. Bring (vegetarian) food to eat yourself or to share while we chat after the service (some people may choose to unmask in order to eat together). Ritual items and challah welcome.
For any questions and zoom link, please contact
Meeting ID: 282 164 5784
No Passcode Required
Have you wondered why we call organized prayer, “services”? We gather together in sacred space to “serve,” to do sacred work with and for each other.
The Shabbat morning “service” is not a random collection of prayers. It is a journey taking us both out of ourselves and into ourselves. Through prayer, chant, song, movement, and meditation, we will travel the path of the Jewish mystics to the sacred heart of Shabbat.
PDF of Der Freylekher Shabes Prayer Booklet
Celebrate Shabes (Shabbat) JOY in-person in our sanctuary. The participatory klezmer Shabes service from 6:30-7:45 PM can be danced to and includes prayers from Kabbalat Shabbat and the Ma’ariv services. We will also observe the candle lighting/blessing, Mourners’ Kaddish, blessing for healing, Kiddush and Hamotzee. The service will be followed by a Vegetarian Potluck dinner at 7:45pm and recreational Jewish dancing to a live klezmer music jam from 8:15-9 PM. Everyone is welcome to all or any part of the evening’s events.
For more information, contact Cantor Beth Cohen:
Zoom ID 282 164 5784 (no password required)
PDF Chant Sheet
The service will be contemplative as we take time to enter the liturgy through chant, then pause in the silence long enough to allow for an unfolding of possibilities and to develop the skillful practice that allows for Shabbat consciousness to flourish.
Canceled this month. Returning in June
Nahalat Shalom - Bayt B'racha
Zoom ID: 282 164 5784
No password needed
Meeting ID: 282 164 5784
No Passcode Required
Have you wondered why we call organized prayer, “services”? We gather together in sacred space to “serve,” to do sacred work with and for each other.
The Shabbat morning “service” is not a random collection of prayers. It is a journey taking us both out of ourselves and into ourselves. Through prayer, chant, song, movement, and meditation, we will travel the path of the Jewish mystics to the sacred heart of Shabbat.
“God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy, because on it God ceased from all the work of creation that God had done” (Genesis 2:3).
Shabbat is the most important holiday in Judaism and it comes every week. Every week we get the opportunity to slow down and focus on what really matters in life. It is a time when we stop the distractions of doing and accomplishing and turn our attention instead to being - - being joyful, being engaged in the study of Torah, being a part of a community, a family, a network of friends.
All are welcome to join us for Shabbat Services. Bring your family. Bring a friend. Every Shabbat service is different, reflecting the diversity of our community. Each one has its own flavor, its own special joyful spice.
Please note that Nahalat Shalom is a fragrance-free zone where we want everyone to feel comfortable. Please refrain from wearing scents at services and other events. Please check the calendar for Shabbat service information.
From time to time, we will have a Family Shabbat or a Bar/Bat Mitzvah. These are services which are for families with young children, or when the students are old enough to become a bar or bat mitzvah and we gather as a congregation to welcome them as adults into our community. Watch the calendar for the dates and times of these services.
Come and taste the joys of Shabbat. Hope to see you in shul!
Upcoming Shabbat Services and Celebrations
Please click on the service to read a complete description.