Sephardic Poetry Translation Project
Read about the Sephardic Poetry Translation Project
Biographies + Poetry Archive
Emma Lazarus
In the New Jewish Synagogue at Newport
By the Waters of Babylon
The New Colossus
Grace Seixas Nathan
Reflections on Passing Our New Burial Ground
Ruth Behar
Hotel Majestic
Nameless Daughter
Myriam Moscona
Carta de naturalización
Un bomboniko
La letra beth
Clarisse Nicoïdski
[il vistidu abucaradu di tu alma]
[boca di piedra]
{la mañana dil lugar}
Denise León
[voy a estarme kieta para ke nada se mueva]
[kon una piedresika escrivo]
[shemá Israel. Yo ablo una lingua muerta]
Juan Gelman
[cuando mi aya murido]
[¿óndi sta la yave di tu curasón?] ([where is the key to your heart?])
[folyas curiladas y verdis] ([red and green leaves])
Abraham Zacarías López Penha
Elías David Curiel
Ley étnica
Jorge Isaacs Ferrer
El dios del siglo
La tierra de Córdoba (Fragmento)
António Serrão de Castro
Os ratos da Inquicisão (Fragmento)
Sarah Louisa Forten
The Grave of the Slave
The Zohar
Male and Female
Is There Anyone Like Moses
Erez Bitton
Zohra El Fassia
In Praise of the Dreamers of Jerusalem
Moroccan Wedding
Ibn Arabi
The Interpreter of Desires, XVIII
The Interpreter of Desires, XV
The Interpreter of Desires, XIII
Sami Shalom Chetrit
Who Is A Jew And What Kind Of Jew He Is
I Came Back From Morocco With A Certificate Of Birth
Pathways to Heaven