KZOOM: Chanting with Rabbi Shefa Gold
6:00 PM18:00

KZOOM: Chanting with Rabbi Shefa Gold

ID: 815 976 0138
Passcode: 270959

Please come on time or a few minutes early. We will take some time at the end of our practice to meet each other and reflect together.

We welcome you. Visit Sign up for the KZoom Chanting List mailing list. If you are moved, you can offer support at

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Queer Shabbat
6:00 PM18:00

Queer Shabbat

Queer Shabbat is a monthly ritual space for reflection, connection, grounding in the sacred cycles of Jewish time. This is a space for self-identified Queer Jews and their loved ones to gather. We will be hosting hybrid Queer Shabbat in Bayt B'racha IN-PERSON and also on ZOOM; Please come masked! Whether you are attending virtually or in person, you're invited to bring: songs, poetry, movement, creative activities, and meditations from your heart. Bring (vegetarian) food to eat yourself or to share while we chat after the service (some people may choose to unmask in order to eat together). Ritual items and challah welcome.

For any questions and zoom link, please contact

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Dr. Les Field presents:  History of the Settler Movement in Occupied Palestine
12:00 PM12:00

Dr. Les Field presents: History of the Settler Movement in Occupied Palestine

Dr. Field will highlight the political, ideological and economic motivations  that have shaped the evolution of the Israeli settler movement in the West Bank from the 1967 War to the  post-Oct 7 present.  Discussion will focus upon the impact upon Palestinian communities, particularly in the wake of the division of the West Bank into Areas A, B, and C following the 1993-4 Oslo "Peace Accords." 

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BEGINNER'S TALMUD CLASS - Sarah Arrowsmith (in person only)
1:00 PM13:00

BEGINNER'S TALMUD CLASS - Sarah Arrowsmith (in person only)

Class description: "Have you ever wanted to study Talmud but had no idea where (or how) to start? With only knowledge of the aleph-bet you can delve into one of the most widely studied Jewish texts and learn how to break down the meaning of text on a daf (page). Through yeshivah style instruction, we will break down a section of Berachot in the original Hebrew and Aramaic with an emphasis on building dictionary skills, understanding of the structures of rabbinic arguments, and feeling a sense of ownership over our own places in the Rabbinic tradition. Classes will meet for three hours once a week on Sunday afternoons from February 23rd through April 6th from 1pm-4pm. REGISTER HERE!

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Community Klezmer Band / Rikud dancers rehearsal
3:00 PM15:00

Community Klezmer Band / Rikud dancers rehearsal

Rehearsal for the Community Klezmer Band & Rikud Dancers is open to all. No experience required for dancing - all dances are taught. Musicians and singers must know the basics of their instrument. Before coming to band rehearsal for the first time, please contact band director Cantor Beth Cohen:

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West African Dance - Beginner Level (in person with live drumming) taught by Becky Gordon
6:00 PM18:00

West African Dance - Beginner Level (in person with live drumming) taught by Becky Gordon

West African dance is multi-layered, engaging every part of the body. But no need to be intimidated; you take on as many of those layers according to your comfort level. The physicality of the dance, so different from how we generally move, and the singing of the drums, invite you to release whatever emotions you might've been feeling earlier in the day, or what you are feeling in the moment. It's about moving from your core and from your heart. Most importantly, it's about supporting each other in learning a different kind of dance form, and building community. 

The first six-week session: Monday nights March 24 - May 12, 6-715pm. Requested donation of minimum $8 per class or $44 up front for all six which pays the drummers. Call, text or email if you have questions. 505-967-8208. Hope to see you at our next class, Monday March 31!

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Der Freylekher Shabes with Cantor Beth Cohen, The Nahalat Shalom Klezmer Band & Rikud dancers (In Person)
6:30 PM18:30

Der Freylekher Shabes with Cantor Beth Cohen, The Nahalat Shalom Klezmer Band & Rikud dancers (In Person)

PDF of Der Freylekher Shabes Prayer Booklet

Celebrate Shabes (Shabbat) JOY in-person in our sanctuary. The participatory klezmer Shabes service from 6:30-7:45 PM can be danced to and includes prayers from Kabbalat Shabbat and the Ma’ariv services. We will also observe the candle lighting/blessing, Mourners’ Kaddish, blessing for healing, Kiddush and Hamotzee. The service will be followed by a Vegetarian Potluck dinner at 7:45pm and recreational Jewish dancing to a live klezmer music jam from 8:15-9 PM. Everyone is welcome to all or any part of the evening’s events.

For more information, contact Cantor Beth Cohen:

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Chanting Morning Shabbat Service with Miryam Levy: Going Deep with Davennen  (In Person and interactive  zoom)
10:00 AM10:00

Chanting Morning Shabbat Service with Miryam Levy: Going Deep with Davennen (In Person and interactive zoom)

Zoom ID 282 164 5784 (no password required)

PDF Chant Sheet

The service will be contemplative as we take time to enter the liturgy through chant, then pause in the silence long enough to allow for an unfolding of possibilities and to develop the skillful practice that allows for Shabbat consciousness to flourish.

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BEGINNER'S TALMUD CLASS - Sarah Arrowsmith (in person only)
1:00 PM13:00

BEGINNER'S TALMUD CLASS - Sarah Arrowsmith (in person only)

Class description: "Have you ever wanted to study Talmud but had no idea where (or how) to start? With only knowledge of the aleph-bet you can delve into one of the most widely studied Jewish texts and learn how to break down the meaning of text on a daf (page). Through yeshivah style instruction, we will break down a section of Berachot in the original Hebrew and Aramaic with an emphasis on building dictionary skills, understanding of the structures of rabbinic arguments, and feeling a sense of ownership over our own places in the Rabbinic tradition. Classes will meet for three hours once a week on Sunday afternoons from February 23rd through April 6th from 1pm-4pm. REGISTER HERE!

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Standing Strong in Changing Times With Leah Berger and Liz Vance
5:00 PM17:00

Standing Strong in Changing Times With Leah Berger and Liz Vance

(Due to scheduling conflicts, this group will be meeting at an alternate location.)

Zoom Link:
Zoom ID: 858 6531 6386 No password required

Donations gratefully accepted, no one turned away for lack of funds. 

Donations and information:

Speak Your Truth

Join Intuitive Healing Arts practitioners Leah Berger and Liz Vance for an evening of intuitive guidance, sound, and song. Leah and Liz create a spiritual resource for deep listening, inquiry, and receiving, to stay authentically connected to ourselves, the Earth, and each other in these potent and turbulent times. This month's theme, "Speak Your Truth", is an invitation to receive support with your authentic voice in these silencing times. Bring questions for exploration or simply listen and absorb this meditative experience.

Zoom Link:
Zoom ID: 858 6531 6386  No password required.

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West African Dance - Beginner Level (in person with live drumming) taught by Becky Gordon
6:00 PM18:00

West African Dance - Beginner Level (in person with live drumming) taught by Becky Gordon

West African dance is multi-layered, engaging every part of the body. But no need to be intimidated; you take on as many of those layers according to your comfort level. The physicality of the dance, so different from how we generally move, and the singing of the drums, invite you to release whatever emotions you might've been feeling earlier in the day, or what you are feeling in the moment. It's about moving from your core and from your heart. Most importantly, it's about supporting each other in learning a different kind of dance form, and building community. 

The first six-week session: Monday nights March 24 - May 12, 6-715pm. Requested donation of minimum $8 per class or $44 up front for all six which pays the drummers. Call, text or email if you have questions. 505-967-8208. Hope to see you at our next class, Monday April 7!

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NO Klezband / Rikud Rehearsal - Community Passover Seder
3:00 PM15:00

NO Klezband / Rikud Rehearsal - Community Passover Seder

No rehearsal today, but please join us for our community Passover seder from 5-8pm. It’s the only seder accompanied by a live klezmer band.
Rehearsal for the Community Klezmer Band & Rikud Dancers is open to all. No experience required for dancing - all dances are taught. Musicians and singers must know the basics of their instrument. Before coming to band rehearsal for the first time, please contact band director Cantor Beth Cohen:

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West African Dance - Beginner Level (in person with live drumming) taught by Becky Gordon
6:00 PM18:00

West African Dance - Beginner Level (in person with live drumming) taught by Becky Gordon

West African dance is multi-layered, engaging every part of the body. But no need to be intimidated; you take on as many of those layers according to your comfort level. The physicality of the dance, so different from how we generally move, and the singing of the drums, invite you to release whatever emotions you might've been feeling earlier in the day, or what you are feeling in the moment. It's about moving from your core and from your heart. Most importantly, it's about supporting each other in learning a different kind of dance form, and building community. 

The first six-week session: Monday nights March 24 - May 12, 6-715pm. Requested donation of minimum $8 per class or $44 up front for all six which pays the drummers. Call, text or email if you have questions. 505-967-8208. Hope to see you at our next class, Monday April 14!

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West African Dance - Beginner Level (in person with live drumming) taught by Becky Gordon
6:00 PM18:00

West African Dance - Beginner Level (in person with live drumming) taught by Becky Gordon

West African dance is multi-layered, engaging every part of the body. But no need to be intimidated; you take on as many of those layers according to your comfort level. The physicality of the dance, so different from how we generally move, and the singing of the drums, invite you to release whatever emotions you might've been feeling earlier in the day, or what you are feeling in the moment. It's about moving from your core and from your heart. Most importantly, it's about supporting each other in learning a different kind of dance form, and building community. 

The first six-week session: Monday nights March 24 - May 12, 6-715pm. Requested donation of minimum $8 per class or $44 up front for all six which pays the drummers. Call, text or email if you have questions. 505-967-8208. Hope to see you at our next class, Monday April 21!

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Queer Shabbat
6:00 PM18:00

Queer Shabbat

Queer Shabbat is a monthly ritual space for reflection, connection, grounding in the sacred cycles of Jewish time. This is a space for self-identified Queer Jews and their loved ones to gather. We will be hosting hybrid Queer Shabbat in Bayt B'racha IN-PERSON and also on ZOOM; Please come masked! Whether you are attending virtually or in person, you're invited to bring: songs, poetry, movement, creative activities, and meditations from your heart. Bring (vegetarian) food to eat yourself or to share while we chat after the service (some people may choose to unmask in order to eat together). Ritual items and challah welcome.

For any questions and zoom link, please contact

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Journey to the Heart of Shabbat with Alan Wagman - In Person and Zoom
10:00 AM10:00

Journey to the Heart of Shabbat with Alan Wagman - In Person and Zoom

Meeting ID: 282 164 5784
No Passcode Required

Have you wondered why we call organized prayer, “services”? We gather together in sacred space to “serve,” to do sacred work with and for each other.

The Shabbat morning “service” is not a random collection of prayers. It is a journey taking us both out of ourselves and into ourselves. Through prayer, chant, song, movement, and meditation, we will travel the path of the Jewish mystics to the sacred heart of Shabbat.

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Community Klezmer Band & Rikud dancers rehearsal
3:00 PM15:00

Community Klezmer Band & Rikud dancers rehearsal

Last rehearsal of the winter/ spring season.
Rehearsal for the Community Klezmer Band & Rikud Dancers is open to all. No experience required for dancing - all dances are taught. Musicians and singers must know the basics of their instrument. Before coming to band rehearsal for the first time, please contact band director Cantor Beth Cohen:

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Film Series: Eye on Palestine and Israel : Today's film is Foxtrot (2021, 112 min) Directed by Samuel Moaz
5:30 PM17:30

Film Series: Eye on Palestine and Israel : Today's film is Foxtrot (2021, 112 min) Directed by Samuel Moaz

Beginning with an Israeli couple who receives the news of their son’s death in military conflict, the film explores their emotional reactions, the surreal military experiences of their son, and the hallowed place of the Israel Defense Forces in Israeli society. **Winner of the Grand Jury Prize and the Venice International Film Festival: Oscar nominee for Best Foreign Language Film.

Screening followed by discussion led by Ann Morrison and Becky Gordon.

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West African Dance - Beginner Level (in person with live drumming) taught by Becky Gordon
6:00 PM18:00

West African Dance - Beginner Level (in person with live drumming) taught by Becky Gordon

West African dance is multi-layered, engaging every part of the body. But no need to be intimidated; you take on as many of those layers according to your comfort level. The physicality of the dance, so different from how we generally move, and the singing of the drums, invite you to release whatever emotions you might've been feeling earlier in the day, or what you are feeling in the moment. It's about moving from your core and from your heart. Most importantly, it's about supporting each other in learning a different kind of dance form, and building community. 

The first six-week session: Monday nights March 24 - May 12, 6-715pm. Requested donation of minimum $8 per class or $44 up front for all six which pays the drummers. Call, text or email if you have questions. 505-967-8208. Hope to see you at our next class, Monday April 28!

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Der Freylekher Shabes with Cantor Beth Cohen, The Nahalat Shalom Klezmer Band & Rikud dancers (In Person)
6:30 PM18:30

Der Freylekher Shabes with Cantor Beth Cohen, The Nahalat Shalom Klezmer Band & Rikud dancers (In Person)

PDF of Der Freylekher Shabes Prayer Booklet

Celebrate Shabes (Shabbat) JOY in-person in our sanctuary. The participatory klezmer Shabes service from 6:30-7:45 PM can be danced to and includes prayers from Kabbalat Shabbat and the Ma’ariv services. We will also observe the candle lighting/blessing, Mourners’ Kaddish, blessing for healing, Kiddush and Hamotzee. The service will be followed by a Vegetarian Potluck dinner at 7:45pm and recreational Jewish dancing to a live klezmer music jam from 8:15-9 PM. Everyone is welcome to all or any part of the evening’s events.

For more information, contact Cantor Beth Cohen:

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Chanting Morning Shabbat Service with Miryam Levy: Going Deep with Davennen  (In Person and interactive  zoom)
10:00 AM10:00

Chanting Morning Shabbat Service with Miryam Levy: Going Deep with Davennen (In Person and interactive zoom)

Zoom ID 282 164 5784 (no password required)

PDF Chant Sheet

The service will be contemplative as we take time to enter the liturgy through chant, then pause in the silence long enough to allow for an unfolding of possibilities and to develop the skillful practice that allows for Shabbat consciousness to flourish.

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Standing Strong in Changing Times With Leah Berger and Liz Vance
5:00 PM17:00

Standing Strong in Changing Times With Leah Berger and Liz Vance

Join Intuitive Healing Arts practitioners Leah Berger and Liz Vance for an evening of intuitive guidance, sound, and song. (THIS EVENT IS NOT AT NAHALAT SHALOM. Due to scheduling conflicts, this group will be meeting at an alternate location on March 9th, April 6th, and May 4th.) Click on Event title for full details.

Zoom Link:
Zoom ID: 858 6531 6386  No password required.

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West African Dance - Beginner Level (in person with live drumming) taught by Becky Gordon
6:00 PM18:00

West African Dance - Beginner Level (in person with live drumming) taught by Becky Gordon

West African dance is multi-layered, engaging every part of the body. But no need to be intimidated; you take on as many of those layers according to your comfort level. The physicality of the dance, so different from how we generally move, and the singing of the drums, invite you to release whatever emotions you might've been feeling earlier in the day, or what you are feeling in the moment. It's about moving from your core and from your heart. Most importantly, it's about supporting each other in learning a different kind of dance form, and building community. 

The first six-week session: Monday nights March 24 - May 12, 6-715pm. Requested donation of minimum $8 per class or $44 up front for all six which pays the drummers. Call, text or email if you have questions. 505-967-8208. Hope to see you at our next class, Monday May 5!

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Film Series: Eye on Palestine and Israel : Today's film is Arna’s Children (2004, 84 min) Directed by Juliano Mer-Khamis
5:30 PM17:30

Film Series: Eye on Palestine and Israel : Today's film is Arna’s Children (2004, 84 min) Directed by Juliano Mer-Khamis

The film's story focuses on a children's theater group in the West Bank town of Jenin during the
Second Intifada. Established by Arna Mer-Khamis. the director's mother, an Israeli Jew married to a Palestinian Muslim and wholly
devoted to political and human rights activism, the film documents the impact of the theater
experience on some of Jenin’s youth as they come of age and are forced to make difficult choices.
*Won Best Documentary
Film at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York City.
Minimum donation of $5 is requested to cover screening costs.

Screening followed by discussion led by Ann Morrison and Becky Gordon.

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West African Dance - Beginner Level (in person with live drumming) taught by Becky Gordon
6:00 PM18:00

West African Dance - Beginner Level (in person with live drumming) taught by Becky Gordon

West African dance is multi-layered, engaging every part of the body. But no need to be intimidated; you take on as many of those layers according to your comfort level. The physicality of the dance, so different from how we generally move, and the singing of the drums, invite you to release whatever emotions you might've been feeling earlier in the day, or what you are feeling in the moment. It's about moving from your core and from your heart. Most importantly, it's about supporting each other in learning a different kind of dance form, and building community. 

The first six-week session: Monday nights March 24 - May 12, 6-715pm. Requested donation of minimum $8 per class or $44 up front for all six which pays the drummers. Call, text or email if you have questions. 505-967-8208. Hope to see you at our final class for this session, Monday May 12!

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Journey to the Heart of Shabbat with Alan Wagman - In Person and Zoom
10:00 AM10:00

Journey to the Heart of Shabbat with Alan Wagman - In Person and Zoom

Meeting ID: 282 164 5784
No Passcode Required

Have you wondered why we call organized prayer, “services”? We gather together in sacred space to “serve,” to do sacred work with and for each other.

The Shabbat morning “service” is not a random collection of prayers. It is a journey taking us both out of ourselves and into ourselves. Through prayer, chant, song, movement, and meditation, we will travel the path of the Jewish mystics to the sacred heart of Shabbat.

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Der Freylekher Shabes with Cantor Beth Cohen, The Nahalat Shalom Klezmer Band & Rikud dancers (In Person)
6:30 PM18:30

Der Freylekher Shabes with Cantor Beth Cohen, The Nahalat Shalom Klezmer Band & Rikud dancers (In Person)

PDF of Der Freylekher Shabes Prayer Booklet

Celebrate Shabes (Shabbat) JOY in-person in our sanctuary. The participatory klezmer Shabes service from 6:30-7:45 PM can be danced to and includes prayers from Kabbalat Shabbat and the Ma’ariv services. We will also observe the candle lighting/blessing, Mourners’ Kaddish, blessing for healing, Kiddush and Hamotzee. The service will be followed by a vegetarian potluck dinner at 7:45pm and recreational Jewish dancing to a live klezmer music jam from 8:15-9 PM. Everyone is welcome to all or any part of the evening’s events.

For more information, contact Cantor Beth Cohen:

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Journey to the Heart of Shabbat with Alan Wagman - In Person and Zoom
10:00 AM10:00

Journey to the Heart of Shabbat with Alan Wagman - In Person and Zoom

Meeting ID: 282 164 5784
No Passcode Required

Have you wondered why we call organized prayer, “services”? We gather together in sacred space to “serve,” to do sacred work with and for each other.

The Shabbat morning “service” is not a random collection of prayers. It is a journey taking us both out of ourselves and into ourselves. Through prayer, chant, song, movement, and meditation, we will travel the path of the Jewish mystics to the sacred heart of Shabbat.

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Nigunim by Candlelight
6:30 PM18:30

Nigunim by Candlelight

Spring is almost here, so let’s enjoy the changing seasons and circle up around candlelight for a night of nigunim at Nahalat Shalom, hosted by community member Adam Horowitz. A nigun (meaning "melody" in Hebrew) is a wordless tune, sung in repetition and with devotion, to stir the soul and take us where words cannot. Drawing from the wellspring of Jewish mystical tradition, we'll sing nigunim new and old. No prior experience required! If there are nigunim that you know and would enjoy sharing, please feel free to bring and to teach!

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West African Dance - Beginner Level (in person with live drumming) taught by Becky Gordon
6:00 PM18:00

West African Dance - Beginner Level (in person with live drumming) taught by Becky Gordon

West African dance is multi-layered, engaging every part of the body. But no need to be intimidated; you take on as many of those layers according to your comfort level. The physicality of the dance, so different from how we generally move, and the singing of the drums, invite you to release whatever emotions you might've been feeling earlier in the day, or what you are feeling in the moment. It's about moving from your core and from your heart. Most importantly, it's about supporting each other in learning a different kind of dance form, and building community. 

The first six-week session: Monday nights March 24 - May 12, 6-715pm. Requested donation of minimum $8 per class or $44 up front for all six which pays the drummers. Call, text or email if you have questions. 505-967-8208. Hope to see you Monday March 24!

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Film Series: Eye on Palestine and Israel : Today's film is Matzpen: Anti-Zionist Israelis  (2016, 54 min)  Directed by Eran Torbiner
4:00 PM16:00

Film Series: Eye on Palestine and Israel : Today's film is Matzpen: Anti-Zionist Israelis (2016, 54 min) Directed by Eran Torbiner

Documentary and feature films exploring the complexities of power, resistance and relationships that layer the conflict between Palestinian Arabs and Israeli Jews both at the state and personal levels. Screening followed by discussion led by Ann Morrison and Becky Gordon. The first film will be screened Jan 19. Doors open 345pm.

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NO Klezband/ Rikud Rehearsal - Spring Break
3:00 PM15:00

NO Klezband/ Rikud Rehearsal - Spring Break

No rehearsal today because of Spring Break. See you NEXT Sunday March 30th!
Rehearsal for the Community Klezmer Band & Rikud Dancers is open to all. No experience required for dancing - all dances are taught. Musicians and singers must know the basics of their instrument. Before coming to band rehearsal for the first time, please contact band director Cantor Beth Cohen:

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BEGINNER'S TALMUD CLASS - Sarah Arrowsmith (in person only)
1:00 PM13:00

BEGINNER'S TALMUD CLASS - Sarah Arrowsmith (in person only)

Class description: "Have you ever wanted to study Talmud but had no idea where (or how) to start? With only knowledge of the aleph-bet you can delve into one of the most widely studied Jewish texts and learn how to break down the meaning of text on a daf (page). Through yeshivah style instruction, we will break down a section of Berachot in the original Hebrew and Aramaic with an emphasis on building dictionary skills, understanding of the structures of rabbinic arguments, and feeling a sense of ownership over our own places in the Rabbinic tradition. Classes will meet for three hours once a week on Sunday afternoons from February 23rd through April 6th from 1pm-4pm. REGISTER HERE!

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Resonance Repatterning: What Would You Love for Nahalat Shalom ~To Be, To Do, To Have - with Sofie Shefia Cohen
1:00 PM13:00

Resonance Repatterning: What Would You Love for Nahalat Shalom ~To Be, To Do, To Have - with Sofie Shefia Cohen

  • Nahalat Shalom - Bay't B'racha (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Nahalat Shalom - Bayt B’racha

It’s Shabbat (it’s the time we could get!). It will be an easeful process, and a relaxing time of being together. 

 This your golden opportunity to actively participate in a transformational and healing process, with the intention of improving the future of Nahalat Shalom.  

And, who is Nahalat Shalom? It is each one of you, and all of us! 

We’ve created what it has become, and we get to create who we are, each time we show up, which we do in so many ways!

 Whether you’ve recently joined us or have been around a while, you’ve likely experienced the joy of being part of a welcoming, rich, diverse and loving community. 

I’m guessing you’d consider this precious, especially in these times.

It’s possible that as well, you’ve experienced some of the challenges, that come with being in community, as they do in life.  

During this session we’ll identify limiting patterns that have kept us from what we’d love to create and enjoy.  Using self~healing modalities, we’ll shift our vibrational frequencies to resonate with what we’d love to create!  (Hence the name Resonance Repatterning!)

Whether or not you’re able to show up (in person or by zoom), you’re invited to respond in writing to the title question. Your valuable contributions will help create more clarity and focus for creating what we’d love. 

Please send them to:

Donations are Gratefully Accepted as an Energy Exchange


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CANCELED THIS MONTH!!  Journey to the Heart of Shabbat with Alan Wagman - In Person and Zoom
10:00 AM10:00

CANCELED THIS MONTH!! Journey to the Heart of Shabbat with Alan Wagman - In Person and Zoom


Have you wondered why we call organized prayer, “services”? We gather together in sacred space to “serve,” to do sacred work with and for each other.

The Shabbat morning “service” is not a random collection of prayers. It is a journey taking us both out of ourselves and into ourselves. Through prayer, chant, song, movement, and meditation, we will travel the path of the Jewish mystics to the sacred heart of Shabbat.

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Chanting Kabbalat Shabbat with Sofie Shefia Stephanie Cohen (in person and interactive zoom)
6:00 PM18:00

Chanting Kabbalat Shabbat with Sofie Shefia Stephanie Cohen (in person and interactive zoom)

  • Congregation Nahalat Shalom - Bayt B'racha (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Zoom ID: 282 164 5784

No password needed

Please join Sofie Shefia as we welcome Shabbat.
With Hebrew chants from R. Shefa Gold, we’ll create a calming, uplifting and reflective experience as we gather ourselves from the week. 
We will observe the candle lighting & blessing, healing prayers and mourners Kaddish, as well as Kiddush and hamotzi (challah) afterwards.  


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KZOOM: Chanting with Rabbi Shefa Gold
6:00 PM18:00

KZOOM: Chanting with Rabbi Shefa Gold

ID: 815 976 0138
Passcode: 270959

Please come on time or a few minutes early. We will take some time at the end of our practice to meet each other and reflect together.

We welcome you. Visit Sign up for the KZoom Chanting List mailing list. If you are moved, you can offer support at

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Shuli Dichter: Vision for the Future Between the River and the Sea - Sharing the Homeland by Two Peoples
6:00 PM18:00

Shuli Dichter: Vision for the Future Between the River and the Sea - Sharing the Homeland by Two Peoples

“This was the “order of things” in which we grew up: We were “The Communities on the Seam Line,” they were “The Communities of the Triangle” – completely different names for neighboring com-munities sometimes adjacent to each other. Despite the immediacy of our being neighbors, it was as if the two populations belonged to two opposed magnetic fields: the Jews, who belong to the coastal plain region, are perceived as those with the task of “stitching” that land to Samaria; the Palestinians belong to the focal point from which their identity emanates: the Triangle of Nablus – Jenin – TulKarm, over the Green Line. All of them, Jews and Arabs, are citizens of the State of Israel, but there is a gaping abyss between them.”

from the Introduction to the book Sharing the Promised Land by Shuli Dichte


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BEGINNER'S TALMUD CLASS - Sarah Arrowsmith (in person only)
1:00 PM13:00

BEGINNER'S TALMUD CLASS - Sarah Arrowsmith (in person only)

Class description: "Have you ever wanted to study Talmud but had no idea where (or how) to start? With only knowledge of the aleph-bet you can delve into one of the most widely studied Jewish texts and learn how to break down the meaning of text on a daf (page). Through yeshivah style instruction, we will break down a section of Berachot in the original Hebrew and Aramaic with an emphasis on building dictionary skills, understanding of the structures of rabbinic arguments, and feeling a sense of ownership over our own places in the Rabbinic tradition. Classes will meet for three hours once a week on Sunday afternoons from February 23rd through April 6th from 1pm-4pm. REGISTER HERE!

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SPRING BREAK - SEE YOU ON THE 23RD!    Simcha Religious School
10:00 AM10:00

SPRING BREAK - SEE YOU ON THE 23RD! Simcha Religious School


Key components of our program include: Holiday Customs and Rituals; Mitzvot; Torah; Jewish Values; Prayer and Service; Social Justice; Hebrew; · Jewish Culture, music, and crafts.

We welcome you wherever you are in your Jewish journey

For more information, click here

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Post-Purim Shabbat Celebration
10:00 AM10:00

Post-Purim Shabbat Celebration

Join Maggidah Batya Podos for a family friendly service this Saturday followed by a Purimspiel created by Simcha School students and an oneg of pizza and hamantaschen. Come in costume and bring your groggers. The pizza and salad will be provided, you’ll bring the hamantaschen and yourselves. What do Moses and Esther have in common? Come on Saturday and find out! Service begins at 10:00 am.

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Sephardic Shabbat (In Person and Zoom)
6:00 PM18:00

Sephardic Shabbat (In Person and Zoom)

ZOOM ID: 282 164 5784
No password required


Pot luck vegetarian dinner with songs and prayers in Ladino, Hebrew and Spanish led by Stephanie Sofie Shefia Cohen.

Please bring a vegetarian dish that is ready to eat! We will provide the paper plates and plastic flatware or you are welcome to bring your own!

We’re starting at 6:00 pm this month, and ending at 7:30 because of the amazing Sefardic concert taking place at Nahalat Shalom tonight. Singer, composer, trombonist, keyboardist Nani Vazana learned Ladino from her Moroccan Grandmother. Her concert starts at 8:00pm and is not to be missed. Save by getting tickets in advance. MORE CONCERT INFO

Looking forward to welcoming the Shabbat with you all, in person and on Zoom!

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CANCELLED THIS WEEK! KZOOM: Chanting with Rabbi Shefa Gold
6:00 PM18:00

CANCELLED THIS WEEK! KZOOM: Chanting with Rabbi Shefa Gold


ID: 815 976 0138
Passcode: 270959

Please come on time or a few minutes early. We will take some time at the end of our practice to meet each other and reflect together.

We welcome you. Visit Sign up for the KZoom Chanting List mailing list. If you are moved, you can offer support at

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Standing Strong in Changing Times With Leah Berger and Liz Vance
5:00 PM17:00

Standing Strong in Changing Times With Leah Berger and Liz Vance

Join Intuitive Healing Arts practitioners Leah Berger and Liz Vance for an evening of intuitive guidance, sound, and song. (THIS EVENT IS NOT AT NAHALAT SHALOM. Due to scheduling conflicts, this group will be meeting at an alternate location on March 9th, April 6th, and May 4th.) Click on Event title for full details.

Zoom Link:
Zoom ID: 858 6531 6386  No password required.

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KlezmerQuerque 2025 presents a Yiddish dance workshop with Asya Vaisman Schulman
3:00 PM15:00

KlezmerQuerque 2025 presents a Yiddish dance workshop with Asya Vaisman Schulman

KlezmerQuerque 2025 presents a Yiddish dance workshop with Asya Vaisman Schulman.
Yiddish dance formations come in all shapes and sizes — there are dances done in pairs, in lines, in circles (open and closed), and in squares! In this workshop, we will learn the honga (danced in a line), a patsh tants (a mixer danced in a circle), a sher (a square dance), and more! No prior experience necessary — just bring your enthusiasm and be ready to move. ($18 afvance purchase via this web site or $20 at the door).
From 5:00-5:15pm we will all meet in the sanctuary for zayt gezints/ be wells- farewells…

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KlezmerQuerque 2025 presents 2 workshops-choose one
1:30 PM13:30

KlezmerQuerque 2025 presents 2 workshops-choose one

KlezmerQuerque 2025 presents 2 workshops —Choose ONE: Either a klezmer music workshop with Zisl Slepovitch (1:30-3:00pm) Musical treasures from Sofia Magid’s Jewish collection: klezmer tunes from Belarus and Ukraine, based on Zisl Slepovitch’s 2024 eponymous publication.
OR Beginning Yiddish language workshop with Asya Vaisman Schulman (1:45-3:00pm): We’ll dive into Yiddish through simple, everyday conversation. You’ll learn how to introduce yourself, talk about where you live, and share a few daily activities—all in Yiddish. No prior knowledge of the language is required, making this a great starting point for beginners! (Either class: $18 advance purchase via this web site OR $20 at the door).

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BEGINNER'S TALMUD CLASS - Sarah Arrowsmith (in person only)
1:00 PM13:00

BEGINNER'S TALMUD CLASS - Sarah Arrowsmith (in person only)

Class description: "Have you ever wanted to study Talmud but had no idea where (or how) to start? With only knowledge of the aleph-bet you can delve into one of the most widely studied Jewish texts and learn how to break down the meaning of text on a daf (page). Through yeshivah style instruction, we will break down a section of Berachot in the original Hebrew and Aramaic with an emphasis on building dictionary skills, understanding of the structures of rabbinic arguments, and feeling a sense of ownership over our own places in the Rabbinic tradition. Classes will meet for three hours once a week on Sunday afternoons from February 23rd through April 6th from 1pm-4pm. REGISTER HERE!

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KlezmerQuerque 2025 presents hands-on workshops: Klezmer music with Zisl Slepovitch
10:00 AM10:00

KlezmerQuerque 2025 presents hands-on workshops: Klezmer music with Zisl Slepovitch

KlezmerQuerque 2025 presents hands-on workshops: Klezmer music with Zisl Slepovitch.
Yiddish songs with nign (niggun - wordless tunes)-refrains. The subgenre of the Yiddish song that brings instrumentalists and singers on the same territory — when words aren’t enough. But what and how does the nign (niggun)-refrain really express and how to perform it. Be prepared to sing and, if you play an instrument, to play as well as sing.  Learning materials (handouts – song / melody charts with suggested chord symbols) will be provided by the instructor.  Prerequisites: Helpful but NOT required to take this workshop are sight-reading skills, Yiddish comprehension, vocal and instrumental abilities. ($18 advanced purchase via this web site or $20 at the door).

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KlezmerQuerque 2025 presents a Concert & Dance Party (doors at 6:30pm)
7:00 PM19:00

KlezmerQuerque 2025 presents a Concert & Dance Party (doors at 6:30pm)

KlezmerQuerque 2025 presents a Concert & Dance Party featuring Zisl Slepovitch and Asya Vaisman Schulman, Rikud Dancers, Jordan Wax, Di Kavene Kapelye and High Dezert Klezmer (FKA The Rebbe’s Orkestra). Doors open at 6:30, concert starts at 7pm. $18 in advance via this web site or $20 at the door.

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KlezmerQuerque 2025: Shabes Koydesh - Holy Shabbat Service
10:00 AM10:00

KlezmerQuerque 2025: Shabes Koydesh - Holy Shabbat Service

KlezmerQuerque 2025: Shabes Koydesh - Holy Shabbat Service
Renewal-style Shabbat service with Torah reading; led by Maggidah Batya Podos,
Cantor Beth Cohen & Gabbai Jeff Brody. Kiddush-Oneg will follow the service.
No charge, but donations are welcome to help the continuation of our festival.
For more information, contact Cantor Beth Cohen:

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KlezmerQuerque 2025 presents: Der Freylekher Shabes (In Person)
6:30 PM18:30

KlezmerQuerque 2025 presents: Der Freylekher Shabes (In Person)

PDF of Der Freylekher Shabes Prayer Booklet

KlezmerQuerque 2025 presents der Freylekher Shabes!
Celebrate Shabes (Shabbat) JOY in-person in our sanctuary. From 6:30-7:30PM the participatory danceable klezmer Shabes service will be accompanied by THE NAHALAT SHALOM COMMUNITY KLEZMER BAND and includes prayers from Kabbalat Shabbat and the Ma’ariv services.

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KZOOM: Chanting with Rabbi Shefa Gold
6:00 PM18:00

KZOOM: Chanting with Rabbi Shefa Gold

ID: 815 976 0138
Passcode: 270959

Please come on time or a few minutes early. We will take some time at the end of our practice to meet each other and reflect together.

We welcome you. Visit Sign up for the KZoom Chanting List mailing list. If you are moved, you can offer support at

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