Der Freylekher Shabes celebration & pot luck vegetarian dinner open to all.
6:00-6:25pm: Children & families dance workshop with special guest artists Cristian Florescu & Sonia Dion. (In Bayt B’racha)
6:30-7:15pm: A danced heimishe (homey) old-country-style Shabes service with music & dance led by Nahalat Shalom's cantor Beth Cohen, Alavados ensemble & Rikud dancers.
(In the Sanctuary)
7:15-8pm: Potluck Vegetarian Dinner (In the Gallery & Sanctuary).
In the Sanctuary:
8:00-8:30pm: "Cameo" performances by The Rebbe's Orkestra & special guest artists Miamon Miller & Isaac Sadigursky.
8:30-9:30pm: Klezmer music & dance led by The Nahalat Community Klezmer Band, Rikud dancers & special dance guest artists Cristian Florescu & Sonia Dion.