Nahalat Shalom is proud to sponsor a virtual three day Shabbaton and Retreat with Rabbi Shefa Gold on November 20-22, 2020. Nahalat Shalom asked Rabbi Gold to lead us in retreat on the weekend after the election, realizing that we would all need the deep wisdom and healing that she offers. Now, after seven months of pandemic, the continuing outcries for racial justice, and even greater concern about the election, we know that we need Rabbi Gold's guidance more than ever. Healing into Action will now be available to all of us through Zoom. Message from Rabbi Gold:
The political situation that we find ourselves in, has been filled with spiritual peril, for me and for many of my colleagues and friends. My deepest intention is to love everyone, to know the whole world as my extended family. And yet, I find myself seething in outrage, and sometime despairing. My reactivity reveals some pretty shadowy places, places in me that are yearning to be healed.
In order to come to clarity about what needs to be done and what our role is in response to the dysfunctions of government, the poisons of public discourse, the calamities of climate change, the lack of compassion for those in need, and the policies based on fear and hatred ... we each need to engage in a process of moving from reactivity to wise and loving response.
I see this process as a spiral dance that keeps sending us towards connection, collaboration and energizing hopefulness. These are the steps that I take on this journey from Healing into Action:
Fri, Nov. 6, 7-9 pm
Receiving Blessing and Coming into Gratefulness
Sat. Nov. 7, 10 am - 12:30 pm
Facing Challenges and Honoring our Pain
Sat. Nov. 7, 4 - 6 pm
Transforming our Perception & Embracing Paradox:
Sun. Nov. 8,10 am - 12 noon
Cost: Nahalat Shalom feels that it is important to offers this event without a fee so that anyone can atend without financial burden. However, donations are greatly appreciated to help Rabbi Gold and Nahalat Shalom continue to provide spiritual guidance.
We suggest a range of donations: $72 - $108; please consider a donation at the amount you are comfortable with. You can DONATE HERE and note "Retreat" in Additional Information screen.
Registration: Registration for this amazing opportunity to come together in community is required. It is quick and easy to register. Simply send an email to indicating your interest in attending. You will receive the zoom link for all 3 days the week of the retreat by November 4.
Click here for additional Information
For more information, please contact:
Please visit Rabbi's Gold's website to see all of her spiritual inspiration: