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Our First Zoomed Anshei Mitzvah Shabbat (Adult Bar / Bat Mitzvah)

Howie Segrans, Debby Oscar, Tamara Gardener, Arlin Antman, and Pat Baskin Invite you to be part of the Minyyan on their Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Since October we have worked toward this day of "Becoming A Son/Daughter of the Commandment' and no plague or Virus will keep us away! In a time when normal no longer exists, we decided to have a day of celebration with you. We promise a party in person sometime in the future.

Please put on your party clothes and join us for this Mitzvah. We will chant our prayers, share our teachings and read from the Torah, which is all part of what means to be Jewish and an adult. We know that if you could come in person you would gift each of our students with a 'fountain pen' (An ancient Bar Mitzvah joke from the 70's- '"Today I am a Fountain Pen"- if you don't know it ask Pat Baskin to explain. Pease join us in festive garb and have a piece of cake to 'share virtually' for our Oneg.

It would mean so much to us to fill the Zoom room — The first 100 participants are welcome to join us.

Join ZOOM Meeting ID: 931 962 767 (Password 099937)