ID: 223 195 9942
Passcode: Tevah
Celebrate the original Jewish Ecological Holiday! We will participate in the traditional Tu Bishvat Seder, listen guest speaker Sister Joan Brown, osf, Executive Director of New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light. And we will listen to each other as we recommit ourselves and our community to the holy priority of Shomrei Adamah - Guard the Earth.
We celebrate trees and all their different kinds of fruit during the Tu B'Shvat seder. You might want to have some special things for this seder:
fruit and/or nuts with outer shell and edible inside (walnuts, almonds, citrus etc)
fruit with soft edible outside and hard pit in center (olives, dates or prunes with pits, etc.)
fruit which is entirely edible (raisins, figs, apples, etc.)
and some delicious herbs to smell
white and red grape juice.