If the election didn't go the way you wanted or expected, then here are some helpful ideas taken from the Counseling Center at the University of California, Irvine:

1. Focus on what you can control and what positive actions you can take. One idea is to become an activist by attending  meetings, peaceful protests, marches and rallies to support the causes and issues you are passionate about.

2. Separate people (and their inherent value) from their viewpoints. Remind yourself "I can love someone without agreeing with them or even understanding why they think the way they do.”

3. Stay mindful. Before you engage in a discussion with someone who has a opinion contrary to yours, consider what you goal is. Are you really going to change their mind or get them to admit that you are right?

4. Set boundaries. Limit your exposure to political news and social media; take mental and conversational breaks from politics; it’s ok to walk away from an overly heated conversation that doesn't feel productive/meaningful.

5. Beware of disinformation. Educate yourself about the facts and their sources.

6. Remember the Golden Rule. Don't villainize if you don't want to be villainized. 

7. Stay CURIOUS. What can I learn from this person even if I don't agree with them?

24-Hour Crisis Lines

  • UNM Mental Health - (505) 272-2800

  • Alcoholics Anonymous - (505) 266-1900

  • Albuquerque Rape Crisis - (505) 266-7711

  • AGORA UNM Crisis Center - (505) 277-3013

  • Domestic Violence Hotline - 1-800-773-3645

  • Child Abuse Hot Line - (505) 841-6100

  • Elder Abuse Hot Line - 1-866-654-3219 or (505) 476-4912

  • New Mexico Rape Crisis Center: (505) 266-7711

Time Magazine Tips to Cope if the Election Didn't Go Your Way