Upcoming Events and News - Click on event for more information
Meeting ID: 282 164 5784
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Have you wondered why we call organized prayer, “services”? We gather together in sacred space to “serve,” to do sacred work with and for each other.
The Shabbat morning “service” is not a random collection of prayers. It is a journey taking us both out of ourselves and into ourselves. Through prayer, chant, song, movement, and meditation, we will travel the path of the Jewish mystics to the sacred heart of Shabbat.
This is a two-part series exploring ideological currents within and in response to the early 20th c. Zionist movement. Part 1 focuses on the historical context and emergent non-Zionist, anti-Zionist, and divergent Zionist ideas and ideologies that spread among the Jewish populations of Eastern and Central Europe between the world wars. Part 2 will focus on a select group of thinkers representing a range of perspectives on and in opposition to Zionism.
Featuring Randi Thompson and Jeff Brody
A bisl shpiln, a bisl tantsn, a bisl shmuesn, a bisl nosh – how better to spend a weekend evening than enjoying Klezmer music? Come join us on Saturday February 22nd at 6pm – there will be music, dance if the spirit moves you, and food if you’re so inclined. Donations to support Klezmerquerque are welcome!
Key components of our program include: Holiday Customs and Rituals; Mitzvot; Torah; Jewish Values; Prayer and Service; Social Justice; Hebrew; · Jewish Culture, music, and crafts.
We welcome you wherever you are in your Jewish journey
Class description: "Have you ever wanted to study Talmud but had no idea where (or how) to start? With only knowledge of the aleph-bet you can delve into one of the most widely studied Jewish texts and learn how to break down the meaning of text on a daf (page). Through yeshivah style instruction, we will break down a section of Berachot in the original Hebrew and Aramaic with an emphasis on building dictionary skills, understanding of the structures of rabbinic arguments, and feeling a sense of ownership over our own places in the Rabbinic tradition. Classes will meet for three hours once a week on Sunday afternoons from February 23rd through April 6th from 1pm-4pm. REGISTER HERE!
Rehearsal for the Community Klezmer Band & Rikud Dancers is open to all. No experience required for dancing - all dances are taught. Musicians and singers must know the basics of their instrument. Before coming to band rehearsal for the first time, please contact band director Cantor Beth Cohen: cohenedmunds@netzero.net
A young Palestinian girl, intent upon furthering her education, suddenly finds her village is engulfed in the 1948 war. She is hidden in her family’s pantry from where she witnesses Haganah soldiers as , and watches as an atrocity is committed in her own home.
Based on the true story of Radieh as narrated by her to the film director’s mother.
West African dance is multi-layered, engaging every part of the body. But no need to be intimidated; you take on as many of those layers according to your comfort level. The physicality of the dance, so different from how we generally move, and the singing of the drums, invite you to release whatever emotions you might've been feeling earlier in the day, or what you are feeling in the moment. It's about moving from your core and from your heart. Most importantly, it's about supporting each other in learning a different kind of dance form, and building community.
The first six-week session: Monday nights Jan 20-Feb 24, 6-715pm. Requested donation of minimum $8 per class or $44 up front for all six which pays the drummers. Call, text or email if you have questions. 505-967-8208. Hope to see you Monday Jan 20!
ID: 815 976 0138
Passcode: 270959
Please come on time or a few minutes early. We will take some time at the end of our practice to meet each other and reflect together.
We welcome you. Visit www.rabbishefagold.com/kzoom Sign up for the KZoom Chanting List mailing list. If you are moved, you can offer support at www.rabbishefagold.com.
Self-led group delves into the entire Bible, book by book, discussing literal, ethical, and spiritual meaning of the great writings of our ancestors. For more information, and to request zoom link, please email: NSTorahGroup@gmail.com
La Puerta National Burial Grounds is 82 acres of land that has been converted into a scenic, environmentally friendly, and remarkably affordable place to be buried. It’s about an hour and twenty minute drive from Nahalat Shalom. This is the vision of Donal and Linda Key, retired hospice therapist and caregiver.