Abi gezints/ Be Wells/ Farewells & Thanks" in the Sanctuary
Abi Gezint un a Sheynem Dank!!! See you next year at KlezmerQuerque 2021!!
Abi Gezint un a Sheynem Dank!!! See you next year at KlezmerQuerque 2021!!
Workshop Instructor: Dance Master Bruce Bierman
JEWISH MOVEMENT: THE DANCE OF THE HEBREW LETTERS. The Hebrew letters have always held a fascination with the mystics and sages. The Cabbalists of Medieval Spain encouraged meditating on each letter to gain better clarity. Choreographers, such as the late great Felix Fibich, used the angular oppositional shape of the letters in much of his work in the Yiddish theater and with his wife Judith Berg in the dance sequences for the 1937 film ‘The Dybbuk’. In this workshop, we’ll be exploring several Hebrew letters and how to improvise your own moves inspired by its shape and deeper meanings. Then, everyone will have a chance to ‘shayn’ (shine) to some great Klezmer grooves and give the letters some feet. No dance experience needed. All are welcome.
Workshop intensive with trombonist Dan Blacksberg and guitarist Nick Millevoi
In the last 40 years since Klezmer music has become the global phenomenon it is today (and even long before), musicians from inside and outside the music have combined the music’s sounds, scales and rhythms with those of other musical forms. At its most successful, these experiments have changed our definitions of klezmer, and sometimes even the other styles of music they’ve connected with. Dan and Nick have encountered many of these combinations and created more than a few of their own. Starting with a traditional tune or two, they will lead participants through a process of transforming those tunes by trying out ideas from a few other genres. Building on the listening of the previous session, one of the genres we’ll focus on is their new trials mixing klezmer and surf rock. Participants will get to try out new sounds, play some rocking music, and leave with a different look at what makes klezmer klezmer, and where they might take the music next.
Workshop with trombonist Dan Blacksberg and guitarist Nick Millevoi.
The 1950s and 60s oversaw enormous changes in live and recorded music. For klezmer music, changes in the record industry and popular music of the day meant a move away from the world that produced the 78 rpm recordings that make up much of the canon of what we think of as traditional klezmer music. While local bands continued to play for simchas especially in Hasidic communities, and a few stars like Dave Tarras continued to record, this era marked a quieting of interest in the music that turned around in the early 1970s, when a new generation’s curiosity caught fire.
In this same period, the guitar was quickly rising to become the iconic instrument it remains today. Even before the emergence of stars of the late 60s like Jimi Hendrix and others, a multitude of innovative players, sounds, and genres emerged across many styles, bringing the guitar to the forefront of music and changing global music forever.
Dan and Nick will use this session to share some of their favorite tracks to explore these two strains of this volatile time in music. Through listening to and discussing music recordings with participants, they will paint a broad picture of change in sound and musical possibility and show off a few crossovers between the two that emerged.
Workshop Instructor: Dance Master Bruce Bierman
The Klezmer Dance Repertory: Freylekhs, Shers and the Broiges Tanz. Along with the Klezmer music renaissance in the 70's, Yiddish folklorists began to ask what happened to the dances that Klezmer music was made for? What they finally pieced back together from surviving testimonies, archival film documents, and descriptions in literature---is indeed a treasure restored. These are the dances of the Ashkenazi Jews which were and are still danced regularly at weddings and simchas of all kinds.
Storytelling with Maggidah (storyteller) Batya Podos
Workshop Instructor: Clara Byom
Klezmer in the Mid-Century - Although klezmer music had gone out of style from the 1950s through 1970s, several musicians continued to perform and create new klezmer music that reflected the shifting expressions of Jewish American identity. In this hands-on workshop, Clara Byom (Klezmer Institute) will teach one or two tunes that were written or frequently performed during the mid-century and explain what makes them uniquely interesting and different from the repertoire that preceded it and how it foreshadowed the development of the revitalization.
Workshop Instructor: Dance Master Bruce Bierman
Once, the Baal Shem Tov was asked why his Hasidim dance and sing at every occasion with so much joyful abandon. Indeed, Hasidic melodies and dance were created to open the heart quick and connect one friend to another friend in a supportive circle of trance-like joy. Basic Hasidic step patterns, line formations, partnering and meaningful hand gestures will be articulated with great care and context. Soulful nigunim (wordless melodies) will be taught and sung during the dancing as well. Then, we'll explore the Hasidic influence in Klezmer dance with the slow soulful Yiddish 'hora' and the rhythmical walk of the 'Chosidl'. Finally, we'll see the influence of Hassidic dance on Israeli Folk dance in a dance called 'Hora Hadera'. The class begins with a gentle warm-up inspired by the shapes and deeper meanings of the Hebrew letters.
Hands-on Music workshop with trombonist Dan Blacksberg and guitarist Nick Millevoi.
Whether you already have experience as a klezmer musician, or you’re completely new to the music, this hands-on workshop offers a dive into the full potential of Yiddish music. The workshop will teach people to connect their playing with their voices and their bodies. Klezmer music encompasses many feelings and effects: getting people to dance and aiming to bring out complex emotions. In this workshop we will connect to the dance of the music through movement, explore the nuances of the melodies through learning by ear, and finally express it all through our instruments. Open to instrumentalists of all ages and musical backgrounds.
Doors @ 6:30pm
Radiant Others is one of the newest projects from Dan Blacksberg, an acknowledged masters of klezmer trombone. Featuring original music and arrangements of traditional klezmer tunes that span the history of the tradition, Radiant Others is the first klezmer band to feature the trombone as the lead instrument. Blacksberg pairs up with longtime collaborator, guitarist Nick Millevoi to create a thoroughly modern sound. On Radiant Others, Blacksberg brings together years of research and development on how to play klezmer melodies with all the virtuosity, ornamentation, and depth of emotion that we hear in the more common lead instruments like the clarinet or violin. This music presents the results of this search, creating a new language for the trombone that can lead a new role for the instrument in the klezmer tradition.
Shabbos Koydesh Service led by Cantor Beth Cohen & Alavados Ensemble: Includes Torah Service, Guided Meditation & Kiddush Oneg.
6:00pm- Jewish dance & movement for children & families with Special Guest Dance Artist: Bruce Bierman;
6:30pm- der Freylekher Shabes old-country heimishe (homey) danced service with Cantor Beth Cohen, Alavados Ensemble & Rikud dancers;
7:15pm- Potluck vegetarian dinner;
7:50pm- Batya Podos Magiddah (storyteller)
8:00pm-The Rebbe's Orkestra-Klezmer & Judaic Band;
8:15pm-8:30/35’ish- Special Guest Musicians: Dan Blacksberg-trombone & Nick Millevoi-guitar;
8:45-9:30pm- MUSIC by The Nahalat Shalom Community Klezmer Band and Dancing with Special Guest Artist Bruce Bierman & Rikud dancers.
Congregation Nahalat Shalom
3606 Rio Grande Blvd NW
Albuquerque, NM 87107
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