We have entered the seven week period of Counting the Omer, where each week between Passover and Shavuot has a unique theme. As we move forward, each week Nahalat Shalom will publish a short kavvanah (statement of directed spiritual intention) as another aspect of spiritual support.
As we continue to care for ourselves and others by physical separation and by distance social connections, the theme for this week, Gevurah, is particularly appropriate.
Gevurah is sometimes envisioned as boundaries or judgement, but is perhaps better described as discernment or restraint. That quality is so necessary right now, as our lives are filled with opportunities to which we need to exercise restraint. That walk with friends? Not wise. The trip to the grocery store for that one ingredient that would transform this dinner? Not prudent. The longed-for hug shared with family members who are just on the other side of town? Not responsible. This is the week to recognize that we all make decisions based on thoughtful caring for ourselves and others, all the time, not just during this most unusual time of magnified concern. We put on our seatbelts and obey traffic laws. We brush our teeth. These are small acts of restraint, in which we examine alternatives, and selectively choose to be safe, healthy and considerate.
Our challenge, this week, is to be aware of our discernment. Making choices, especially under situations of stress, is exhausting. Choosing self-care is essential at this time. Judgement is not about being judgmental about how we modify our daily lives to adapt safely to this challenging reality. Judgement is about recognizing the implications of our choices, distinguishing between the sensible and the foolish, and choosing wisely.
This week calls on our internal strength, to be vigilant in our choices, to choose life and health, for ourselves and others. Each of us has this ability; this is the week to recognize this capacity, exercise it, and appreciate it.
Have a loving week….
Rabbi Min
The book, Counting the Omer is a Kabbalistic meditation guide to understand the in-depth meanings of each of the forty-nine days between Pesach (Passover) and the Shavuot celebration of the revealing of the Torah. Rabbi Kantrowitz follows Kabbalistic guidelines to show how the unique values of the sephirot interact each day, giving the reader insight into the strengths of the day. Through this guide the reader is led to meditate on the mystical qualities of life and self. Available at Amazon