New Mexico Jewish Storytelling 2024

“Leaps of Faith”

Festival Schedule

Please check back for schedule updates (last updated 10/10/2024)

Friday 11/8

6:30 Kabbalat Story Shabbat - Led by Maggidah Batya Podos and visiting storytellers

7:30 Potluck - Please bring a vegetarian dish to share

8:00 open mic - No more than 5 minutes for each storyteller!

Sat 11/9

10:00 - 12:00 Story Shabbat Torah Service - Led by Maggidah Batya Podos, Storyteller & Musician, Joanie Calem, and visiting storytellers

12:00 -1:15 Rebbe’s Tische - Lunch provided for Festival attendees; if you are only coming for the Service, but want to stay for lunch, cost is $10, payable via the website

1:30 -2:20 Mark Binder: Performance

2:30-4:00 Telling a Tale! part 1 - with Storyteller Cherie Karo Schwartz. For adults and teens new to storytelling, this engaging, participatory workshop will introduce you to the world of storytelling skills and techniques that will guide you into making stories your own and becoming a teller of tales. (limited number, please register at

2:30 -4:00 Workshop tbd

Break dinner on your own

6:30 Havdallah

7:00-9:00 pm “Pilviskai: My Father’s Village” - Created and performed by Karen Golden and followed by Klezmer music and dancing with the Nahalat Shalom Community Klezmer Band


Sunday 11/10

10:00 -11:15 am Children’s program - led by storytellers Karen Golden and Joanie Calem.

10:00 -11:15 Telling a Tale!/part 2 - with Cherie Karo Schwartz. You will have this time to rehearse your chosen tale with each other, then share your stories with an appreciative audience.

11:15-11:45 am Performance by students from Congregations Nahalat Shalom, B’nai Israel and Temple Beth Shalom

12:00-1:00 pm LUNCH (provided for Festival ticket holders; if you are not a ticket. Holder and want to stay for pizza lunch, cost is $5.00 at the door or pay via the website)

1:10-2:20 pm Pass the Stories Please: The Gift of Family Storytelling - with Storyteller, Bob Kanegis. Create a web of stories in the moment and leave with an ornamental Family Storytelling Heirloom Talisman to pass on to future generations. This lively and heartfelt session will inspire and show us the way to strengthen family storytelling traditions.

2:30-3:15 pm Telling a Tale! Performance - featuring workshop participants. Come and support our first-time storytellers as they share the stories they worked on in their workshop.

3:15 pm Festival Closing