The angular and oppositional shapes and deeper meanings under the Hebrew letters have stretched the body, heart and imagination for millennium. 13th century Spanish Kabbalist, Abraham Abulafia, developed a whole meditation system focusing on each letter. Choreographers Anna Berg and her husband, Felix Fibich, also discovered the power of these letters when using them to choreograph the 1937 classic Yiddish film, ‘The Dybbuk’. In this 75 min. workshop, we will step into the ‘character’ of KUF—the letter, according to Kabbalah, associated with this month of Adar. Through invigorating movement prompts, guided questions and a gorgeous musical soundtrack ---we will be ‘midrashing’ on our feet and discovering for ourselves, and with the group---the secrets behind the letter often associated with Purim and laughter-- KUF.
Bruce Bierman studied for a brief time with Felix Fibich one on one. Mr. Fibich passionately shared his ideas, choreography, costumes, photos and memories of a life upon the Yiddish stage along with his deep passion for the Hebrew letters and his desire to pass it along to others. This workshop is dedicated to his memory.
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